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游戏stayclose攻略(stay close 游戏)

来源:网络整理  发布者:admin  发布时间:2024-07-23 10:23:03
大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于游戏stayclose攻略的问题,于是小编就整理了1个相关介绍游戏stayclose攻略的解答,让我们一起看看吧。just dance什么歌?1、j


  1. just dance什么歌?

1、just dance什么歌?

歌曲《just dance》

歌手:colby o#39;donisamp;lady gaga


I#39;ve had a little bit too much


All of the people start to rush

Start to rush babe

How does he twist the dance

Can#39;t find my drink or man

Where are my keys I lost my phone


What#39;s go-ing out on the floor

I love this record baby

But I can#39;t see straight anymore

Keep it cool what#39;s the name of this club

I can#39;t remember but it#39;s alright alright

Just dance Gunna be okay

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Spin that record babe

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Gunna be okay

Duh duh duh duh

Dance Dance Dance Ju-just dance

Wish I could shut my playboy mouth


How#39;d I turn my shirt

inside out Inside out babe

Control your poison babe

Roses with thorns they say

And we#39;re all gettin#39; hosed tonight


What#39;s going out on the floor

I love this record baby

but I can#39;t see straight anymore

Keep it cool what#39;s the name of this club

I can#39;t remember but it#39;s alright alright

Just dance Gunna be okay

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Spin that record babe

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Gunna be okay

Duh duh duh duh

Dance Dance Dance Ju-just

C: When I come through on the dance floor

checking out that catalogue

Can#39;t believe my eyes

so many women without a flaw

And I ain#39;t gonn#39; give it up

steady tryna pick it up like the car

I#39;ma hit it I#39;ma hit it

and flex until the #39;til done

until tomorr yeah

Show me I can see

that you got so much in the jean

The way you twirling up

them hips round and round

There#39;s no reason I know

why you can#39;t leave here with me

In the meantime stand

let me watch you break it down

L: dance Gunna be okay

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Spin that record babe

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Gunna be okay

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Spin that record babe

Da doo doo do

Just dance Gunna be okay


Dance Dance Dance Ju-just dance

C: amazing music

Wooo! Let#39;s go!

L: Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic,

got my blueprint, it#39;s symphonic

Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic,

got my blueprint, electronic

Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic,

got my blueprint, it#39;s symphonic

Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic,

got my blueprint, electronic

Go! Use your muscle, carve it out,

work it, hustle

I got it, just stay close enough

to get it on

Don#39;t slow! Drive it,

clean it, Lysol, bleed it

Spend the last dough

I got it

In your pock-o I got it

Just dance Gunna be okay

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Spin that record babe

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Gunna be okay

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Spin that record babe

Da doo doo doo

Just dance Gunna be okay

Duh duh duh duh

Dance Dance Dance Ju-just dance

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